
I always get the feeling like I NEED to write something down, but I never end up actually writing it down. This is one of those time where I decided to do something about it. Trouble is... I have no idea what to write about.

I started this blog with this one thought: I needed some way to write what I wanna say to people without them actually knowing I'm writing to them. If they read it, great. If not, at least it's done spinning circles in my head and it's out in the open for people to deal with. It was basically my way of saying "screw you!" to everyone I felt like and still being able to hold the "nice guy" title. Why do I feel like I NEED to say so much? Why does anyone? I'm not trying to belittle anyone else in any way at all, I love hearing your ideas and opinions on life. I'm genuinely curious: do we as humans think that no one else has thought of the things we have? Life is a constant process of self discovery and self evaluation. Maybe we want to say things so other people don't make the same mistakes we do. The problem with that, however, is something that works for you and helps you may hurt someone else depending on the situation and the other people involved. Now, I'm not saying we SHOULDN'T try and help people, far from it. But when you give someone advice and they decide it's not right for them, let it go. You don't need to feel personally offended if someone doesn't take your advice. And that goes along with alot of things. DON'T EVER BE OFFENDED IF SOMEONE CHOOSES TO HAVE DIFFERENT STANDARDS THAN YOU DO. Unfortunately, living in Utah, that happens alot more than anyone would ever wanna deal with. And that doesn't matter if you're LDS or not, everyone has their own ideals that they would love to make everyone conform to no matter what those ideals are. I'm thinking of religions, sexual orientations, and every other battle you see around here. Every single person is different from you. Every single person has made mistakes and chosen things you wouldn't have. And vice versa. So judging someone religion or sexual orientation is wrong. They discovered that that's what makes them happy, and you have no right to take that away from them. And... that is my word vomit. Take it how you will, but if you choose to judge me for it, please keep it to yourself, I don't wanna hear about it :) I love you all.

-Michael Howell

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