

greetings from Hawaii!!

the temprature here is about 80 degrees, there's a south west breeze of about 6 mph, it is PLENTY humid... and for once in a long while i'm feeling good!

i don't know what it is about Hawaii, or the beach, or whatever, but i just feel so at home here.  so peaceful.  like... there's something bigger going on than all my petty problems and stuff.  like everything i'm doing is right.  i already wish i didn't have to go back to Utah.  although i do miss everyone dearly already.

hopefully i'll have some pictures for you on here like tomorrow or something, but unfortunatley the only camera i have is my iphone and i'm not sure if i can get pictures from my phone to this blog... i guess we'll find out!

for some reason, this trip so far (the airplane ride, going to the store, and eating dinner) has already been a very contemplative trip.  i'm just amazed at the world right now.  i'm not sure if i mean that in a good or bad way, but i am.  i'm amazed that people can be so nice and supportive to people they happen to sit by on the plane.  i'm amazed that random people can strike up a conversation with someone that probably looks like they don't wanna talk to anyone at all.  i'm amazed how hateful people can be of a belief system that practically mirrors theirs.  i'm amazed that people can think they're right in completely throwing away proven scientific facts.  i'm amazed that people love me enough to text me when they know i won't text back.  i'm amazed that people trust me so much.  i'm just... amazed at the world right now.

i stared at the sunset over the Pacific Ocean and thought to myself

"i feel infinite"

thank you, Stephen Chbosky

and thank YOU, i love you all.

-michael howell.

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