

i just read a line from my friend Dylan's latest blog entry, and it went like this:

"It requires no great talent to throw words on paper."

and i absolutely agree.  it doesn't take talent to write something down and pretend its art. 
but what's hard is throwing some words down on a piece of paper and making them mean something to you.  harder yet, making those words mean something to someone else.  that's where the art is.  that's where the beauty is.  because it's almost like it never happened if no one notices it.
if a tree falls in a forest with no one to see or hear it, did it even fall?  did it exist in the first place?
are the souless words you wrote down art?  i would argue they're not.
wow.  this was a crazy scatter brained post.  reviewing this... i think what i'm trying to say is...
devote your life to something that matters.  try and be a change for good in the world.  and, just as important, show someone else that what they're doing is important.  cause in that moment you truly make them come alive.
thank you, i love you all.
-michael howell.


  1. this made that post more than worth it.

  2. haha good! i'm glad you didn't get mad or anything, i'm definitely not attacking what you said! in fact, i really liked that whole post, so keep it up my friend!!
