You know what The Office has taught me (from yesterday's episode)? Enjoy the little things. Enjoy the people that come into your life. Even if those people may seem like awful people, there is always something good about them and about these small moments you expierence every day that can make your life worth living.
Michael Scott left Dunder Mifflin last night; tears, laughs, and sexual immuendos following him as a final salute to a character that I have come to love and connect with more than any other I can think of. When we first met Michael Scott he was an awkward, insulting, and even racist person that immediately rubbed us the wrong way. He was just... awful! There's no other word for it! But even as you saw him screw up in every way imagineable you loved him. You could see through his escapades and tell that he really did care for everyone in the office on a very personal level. And he grew throughout the seasons to become an amazing person. Which was awesome.
But I think we can see that in everyone that we meet. There's always something... amazing about people. And places. And random happenstances that we don't even enjoy in the beginning. So I've just been trying to appreciate people more. And appreciate life more. Because you'll never know when someone you care about will leave. I don't know, kind of a stretch, but that's ok :) Thank you, I love you all
-Michael Howell
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