1. I used to get MASSIVE ear infections as a kid, and I thought it was from water getting in my ears and sitting in there, causing an infection, so naturally I would cover my ears the entire time I was in the shower. It never worked.
2. I used to have a sandbox in my backyard, and I thought I could dig to china if I dug in just the right place. The strange thing is I always just found the bottom of the sandbox.
3. I always thought America was on the top of the world and China was on the bottom, therefore, Americans were standing on the top of the world and Chinese people were hanging off the bottom by their feet.
4. I never, ever thought about where babies come from. I guess I just assumed they came in the mail until fifth grade.
5. I thought the term "girlfriend" meant the term "crush," so I didn't even talk to my elementary school crush at all because I was afraid she'd turn into my friend instead of my girlfriend.
6. It made me sad the sun and moon hated each other so much they never hung out.
7. I thought armies fought with sword instead of guns until I played the first Medal of Honor game. In like... 7th grade... why am I telling you this?
8. You know how moth's eat clothes? Leaving giant holes in them? Well I got attacked by a moth when I was in like second grade, it just flew at my face and wouldn't stop, so I kept watching my eyelids for like a week after cause I was afraid the moth would leave holes in them.
9. (Warning: Racist) I thought that people with brown skin didn't live in the United States, that they flew to and from my school ever day to wherever they lived.
10. There were only about 12 basketball players: Michael Jordan and the enitre Utah Jazz team.
11. Karl Malone was called "The Mailman" because that was his day job
And the list goes on and on...
Thank you all, I love you! -Michael Howell

hahaha... that was great.
ReplyDeletemike.. you make me happy. and i think your 8 year old self is a genius. we thought a lot alike back in the day.. lol thank you for sharing this and making me smile :)
ReplyDeleteThis was the best haha. Love it.