
REM's, Starcraft, and Jesus.

My dreams have been really interesting lately (at least to me).

I've been remembering my dreams every day for the past two weeks or so, and they all seem to have a similar theme. My dreams usually involve two groups of people: The group that has somehow wronged or condemned the other, and the group that is deeply affected by the first group's actions but loves them and forgives them for whatever they did. For example, my dream last night was about aliens (too much COD, Battle LA, and Starcraft I think). The aliens had driven mankind to the edge of extinction, planets had been destroyed and me along with fictional human and alien characters (that happen to look ALOT like the Protoss) await the final blow from the aliens to finally kill all of mankind. You'd think that myself and the humans would be really pissed at the aliens with us. Instead, mankind takes a high, more cliche filled route and forgives the aliens right before a giant laser shoots from a battlecruiser to wake me up. Incredibly nerdy, but it demonstrates the cartharses that run through my dreams lately.

You'd think I'd be happy with the theme of my dreams, but I'm not.

I usually disagree with them as I wake up, thinking the humans should have at least used ONE swear word or something! "Oh, yeah, we forgive you, but I still think you're a piece of shit!"

Or something to that affect.

Anyways, I'm just wondering what these dreams are supposed to tell me about my subconscious. Is my subconscious much more christlike then I believe? Or, and this is the theory that I believe, the one that scares me, is that it's showing me what I should be. What I can be. And when I return to myself in the morning, I automatically reject the charity and forgiveness I held so dear as a kid. I try very hard to be nice, to listen, to care, but it always seems to misfire and come back to hurt me. I know Karma is dead. I don't know. Sorry to ramble. But now you get a glimpse at my nerdy side and my lacking self confidence side. My treat ;) I love you all.

-Michael Howell

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