
My Illuminating Week

Oh, what a crazy, hectic, exhausting week! Between recording with my band, working two jobs till at least five every night, and usually later than that, staying up till at least 3 every night this weekend, and trying to balance homework, college searching, and DOWN TIME... Needless to say, I'm a little tired. :) But I feel good! I feel like I'm finally doing something with my life, not just standing still. It's a great feeling to see $250 a week come in, my band pulling together to try and crank this album out, and writing more songs and stories than ever before. I've noticed something though: I live to be creative. My goals in life aren't to have a six figure income and live in a mansion. Heck, right now having a family isn't really a priority for me (Although I'm sure it will in the future :D ). All I want to do is write, sing, and play music that people can relate to and understand. I feel like that's almost what I was born to do! Write music and play for people who care. Because I know exactly how much music affects people. Without really going into details, I just want to say that music literally saves lives. I don't think I'd be here, the way I am, if it wasn't for the incredible power music has. That's why I love it. I feel like music is a universal savior. It speaks to everyone, and it can change people's lives. Anyways, that's all I have to say for now on this subject ;) Thank you, I love you all.

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